Happy Kids Program
The Happy Kids Program is a comprehensive program that helps vulnerable children achieve their social and academic potential. Contribute to the program to improve the education and lives of our children!
₹ 155,000
₹ 645,000 to go
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Ra’s Happy Kids Program aims at enabling children from particularly vulnerable and underprivileged backgrounds to develop their social and academic potential as a key to happiness in life. We partner with reputed NGO’s like Akanksha, Teach for India, CORP and others to identify children who are in most need of our intervention.
The Foundation enables transformation in children by providing them access to a safe, caring and motivating environment as well as to high-quality education through the residential schooling format. Further, the Foundation offers regular counseling support, health support, keeps in touch with the children during summer vacations and interacts with parents/guardians and school authorities. The program continues to support the kids till the end of their academic cycle so as to ensure that they are financially independent. Identify a child - Identify a child in collaboration with Akanksha / TeachForIndia. Selection involves parents/child interviews, home visits, school visit. Admission in Schools - First parents and child visit the partner school and are introduced to its personnel and then child gets admission Provide Foster Care - Including periodical health checks, regular contact through calls, letters, counseling & progress monitoring Educate, mentor and support the child up to graduation Accompany the Child - Assistance in finding a job/pursuing talents and interests and accompany the child into the world